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Hi, I'm Mike from 1A Auto. I hope this how-to video helps you out, and next time you need parts for your vehicle, think of Thanks!
In this video, we're going to show you the window regulator replacement. This is a 2003 Honda Civic. This will be the same for any 2001 to 2005 two door coupe. We show you on the driver side, but the passenger side is the same procedure. For this, you're going to need a new window regulator from, small flat blade screwdriver, Phillips screwdriver, 10mm socket ratchet or wrench, and some duct tape to put your water shield back on.
With a 10mm wrench, loosen the negative battery cable terminal and disconnect the negative battery cable. Start out, there's a screw in here and two screws behind here. To get this screw, you pull up on this trap door. Pry the top and pull down to expose two Philips screws here. All right, you pry up on the front of this panel, pull it up and out, and on the harness there's a little tab. Press the tab to disconnect.
Then up on the door handle, pull out, there's a little clip right here. Push the clip off. Pull the lock up and out. Two screws, one here and one here. Remove those. Unplug. Now we're going to remove this top with a quarter turn. Let it hang to the side, and then there are clips that go into the door that you need to release all the way around. You want to put your fingers in underneath and pull firmly. This door panel's been apart before, so it came apart pretty easily, but you want to release them on the bottom and then up top here. Up top here, and then the panel should pull up off the window ledge and off.
There are two plugs that hold your water shield on here, and there's one here. You can see somebody's already ripped the shield around that. You want to avoid doing that. Needle-nose pliers, just grab ahold right in the middle. Avoid stretching it or tearing it.
Disconnect the lead for your window motor. First, what you want to do is get the little clip out. I'm reaching back in behind and pushing down on one of the tabs on the clip, and then I pull the clip out. You can see there, there's the clip. There's just two little tabs that hold it in. Then disconnect the lead, push on this button here, and disconnect.
These cars have a cable-style regulator, and there's a rail right here. Generally, what happens is the cable breaks, so you hear a popping and then a grinding noise, and when you press your power window switch, you'll hear your motor trying to work, but the window doesn't go anywhere.
Sometimes the window will fall down into the door. Generally, you want to lift your window up. You'll see two bolts that hold the window regulator to the window right here. 10mm socket ratchet and extension, and we'll fast-forward as I remove those two bolts.
With those bolts out, the window lifts right up and out. Seven bolts hold the regulator to the door. You need to remove these three, and then loosen these four. We'll fast-forward while I do that.
Need to remove this clip. You could use a pair of pliers or just squeeze it with your fingers. Push it back into the door, and then push the harness into the door as well. Same thing over here. Just get this out of the way, then you can lift your regulator up, and if it doesn't come up, you can just take this bolt the rest of the way out. Lift the window motor up so the bolts go through. The whole thing slides out.
We took the original regulator out of the car. At 1A Auto, we sell two versions. We sell a high-quality version. It has the same connector, obviously. It has the clip here and the other clip. Japanese-made motor, very high quality, will last you longer than the vehicle. Then, we also have our value brand, which is less expensive, doesn't quite have the same details, it's missing the clip here. The motor is just not quite as strong, as high-quality, as the other version, but it's still well-made and it'll fix your problem.
Okay, reinstall your regulator. Feed it in. You can hang this bolt up here first, and then reach, push your motor in, and reach in with this hand, pop into place, and hang that up there. Now, we're going to reinstall the three bolts and tighten everything up. We'll fast-forward as I do that. Clip that back in. Then, grab your harness, clip it in up here, and reconnect the harness.
All right, I've reconnected the battery. I'm just going to turn the key on, kind of a little test. You can reconnect your switch. You basically want to move the regulator so you can see the mounting holes for the window. You can hear the regulator going. Now, I have the bracket in the right spot.
Window back in, put the front down in, and then tilt it backwards. Bring the front up, make sure it goes into the weather strip in the front, and make sure it goes correctly into the back and it slides nice and easy. Put the two bolts back in that mount the window to the regulator. I just load them kind of into the socket first and then carefully put them in. If you drop them down, it's pretty easy to reach in there. We can fast-forward as we tighten those up.
Okay, battery connected, key on, just do a quick test with the window in place. Everything's working well. Put your water shield back in place, pull the harnesses through there, and use your two push clips, one in the front here. We use a little extra duct tape to hold it up.
Then I'm going to take the push clip, I'm just going to kind of pinch the shield in there, push the clip in, and then secure it around the edges. Make sure this is out of the way, bring your panel up. Make sure the small harness goes through your door handle hole, and then the larger harness needs to go through for the power windows, then lift it up. Just make sure that the harness for the speaker doesn't get caught. Push it towards the window and down onto the ledge. Start in the front. Get your lock to come through. Be sure your lock comes through, push it down on the window ledge, and it should be right in place, and reinstall the clips. This clip right here, it's been put in incorrectly too many times, so we have to actually guide it into the hole. Here's the hole.
Reinstall your upper trim panel here. Reinstall the two screws for the door pull. We'll fast-forward as I do that. Reconnect your power window switch, and then the back goes down in first in place, and reach back your door lock switch. Put the latch rod back in place, and then spin the clip around. Reach in, put that back in place. I'll just fast-forward as we put those fasteners back in place. Then put that trim panel back in place. Put the last screw back in place, and flip the trap door down. Reconnect your negative battery cable, and tighten with a 10mm wrench.
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