1996 Volkswagen Golf Parking Brake Parts
Replaces 1996 VW Golf with Rear Drum Brakes Rear Parking Brake Cable 2 Piece Set DIY Solutions BFS00006
Brand: DIY Solutions - BFS00006$39.12Save 31%List $56.95 Save $17.83Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
$24.55Save 32%List $35.95 Save $11.40
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Replaces 1996 VW Golf with Rear Disc Brakes Rear Parking Brake Cable 2 Piece Set DIY Solutions BFS00005
Out of Stock
$ 20.20Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Out of Stock
$ 25.95Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Out of Stock
$ 32.95Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Replaces 1996 VW Golf with Rear Disc Brakes Rear Parking Brake Cable 2 Piece Set TRQ BKA56937
Brand: TRQ - BKA56937Out of Stock
$ 38.95Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Replaces 1996 VW Golf with Rear Drum Brakes Rear Driver & Passenger Side Parking Brake Cable 2 Piece Set TRQ BKA56938
Brand: TRQ - BKA56938Out of Stock
$ 40.95Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf
Guaranteed to Fit 1996 Volkswagen Golf